

求初一下学期的英语六单元<it's raining>的所有语法知识?


1. --How's the weather in Shanghai ?上海天气怎么样?

  --It's cloudy.(上海)阴天。


--what's the weather like in Beijing  now?现在北京的天气怎么样?

--It's very old, but quite sunny. 天气很冷,但十分晴朗。

这个句式的同意句为: What is the weather like? 类似的结构还有:How's the weather today?/What do you think of the Weather today?/What will the weather be like tomorrow?在回答天气状况时常用“It is(was)+ 表示天气的形容词”。

(2)cloudy 形容词,意为“阴天”。

表示天气的形容词还有sunny(晴朗的),windy (多风的),rainy(下雨的),snowy(下雪的),humid(潮湿的,湿润的),dry(干燥的),cold(冷的),cool(凉爽的),warm(暖和的),hot(热的)。

①--How's the weather today?今天天气如何?

--It's raining.正在下雨

②--How's the weather in Wuhan?武汉天气怎样?

--It's sunny and hot.晴天,而且很热。

2. --What's Uncle Joe doing?乔叔叔正在做什么?

--He's playing basketball .他正在打篮球。

(1)be doing构成了现在进行时, 表示此时正进行的动作。

(2) 现在进行时的疑问句是将am,is或are 提到主语之前,否定句是在am, is 或are 后面加not。

①--What are you doing now?你正在做什么?

--I'm watching TV.我正在看电视。

②--Are you playing computer games?你正在玩电脑游戏吗?

--Yes,I am.是的。

③She is cooking in the kitchen.她正在厨房里做饭。

④It is raining now。现在正在下雨。

⑤Is it snowing Moscow?莫斯科正在下雪吗?

3. Right now , we're in Egypt, walking in the desert.现在,我们在埃及,正走在沙漠上。

(1)right now 意为“立即,此刻”。如:

The kid is sleeping right now.孩子此刻正在睡觉。

(2)Walking in the desert 为现在分词短语作伴随状语。现在分词用作状语,可表时间、原因、结果、条件或伴随情况等。如:

Stepping carelessly off the pavement, he was knocked down by the bus.


He sat in the armchair, reading the newspaper.


4. Some are taking photos of the pyramids. 一些人正在给金字塔拍照。

(1)are taking 构成现在进行时态。

(2)take photos意为“拍照”,如:

John likes to take photos on the hill. 约翰喜欢在山上拍照。

take photos of …意为“照……的像”。如:

He is taking photos of a cat.他正在给一只小猫拍照。


(Good morning.)Here is the weather report for cities in China today.It's cloudy in Shanghai.It's good to go for a walk.The weather is fine and sunny in Chongqing.And it's hot and rainy in Chengdu.Please bring your umbrella with you.The weather is windy and warm in Wuhan.Harbin is snowy and cold.It's good for skating.

Thanks for listening.Have a good day. 共计70~72个词。