1.恶劣天气的演员表 恶劣天气介绍





恶劣天气的演员表 恶劣天气介绍


1、路易斯·托萨尔 Luis Tosar(饰 Pastor)

2、路易斯·卡叶赫 Luis Callejo(饰 Capataz)

3、杰米·洛佩斯 Jaime López(饰 Nieo)

4、文森特·罗米洛 Vicente Romero(饰 El Triana)

5、坎迪多·乌兰加 Kandido Uranga(饰 El Viejo)

6、胡安霍·佩雷斯·尤斯特 Juanjo Pérez Yuste(饰 El Segovia)

7、阿德里亚诺·卡瓦略 Adriano Carvalho(饰 El Portugués)

8、约伊玛·巴尔德斯 Yoima Valdés(饰 Madre Familia Pobre)

9、莫娜·马丁内斯 Mona Martínez(饰 Mujer Entrada Cueva)

10、玛利亚·阿尔方萨·罗索 María Alfonsa Rosso(饰 Guardesa)




How do you study for a test?

[教学目标]1.谈论如何学习英语。(talk about how to study English)

2.学习用 “动词+ by + doing”表示 “方式、方法。”(by doing)

3.复习现在完成时。(he/has + done)

4.复习提建议的方法。(What about…? Why don't you…?)

5.学习一些重点词组。(key phrases)

[单元内容概述] 一.单词。


term, service, status, symbol, expert, tune,

2.动词类:memorize, frustrate, add, pronounce, complete, ring, impress,


fashionable, latest, embarrassed, main


e.g. excitedget excited adout对…感到很兴奋

4.副词类:aloud, differently, quickly, slowly, fast, actually, easily,

[重点词组](Key Phrases)二.词组

1.not at all 一点也不 2.end up(doing) sth 结束做某事

3.make mistakes 犯错 4.later on 后来

5.be afraid to do 害怕做某事 6.laugh at 嘲笑(某人)

7.take notes 作笔记 8.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事

9.make up 组成 10.mobile phone移动电话,手机

11.on one's way to在某人去某地的路上 12. be shamed of因…感到惭愧

13.behind the times过时的,老式的14. turn off 关掉(电视、收音机、电灯等)

15.worst of all最糟糕的是 16.fit in with sb 与某人相处融洽

17.native speaker 说本族语的人 18.begin with 以…开头

19.the best way to do…做某事最好的办法 20.write down 写下,记下

21.once more又一次,再一次 22. first of all 首先

23.give up 放弃 24.think about 考虑

25.at the time 当时 26.make sb do sth 使某人做某事

27.send fast / short messages 发快/短信 28.status symbol 身份的象征

29.spend … on sth在…花费(时间,金钱) 30.if… or not 是否

31. be with sb 与某人在一起 32.get excited about 对…感到激动


1.How do you study for tests? Well, I study (by working) with my classmates.

2.(He) you ever (studied) with a group? Yes, I he. I'(ve learned) a lot that way.

3.I don't he a partner to practice English with. May be you (should join) an English club.

4.(What about) reading aloud to practice pronunciation?

5.(Why don't) you join an English language club?



1.voice n.说话声;声音(the sound that are made when people speak or sing)

e.g. He spoke in a quite (loud / angry / kind) voice. 他悄声/大声/生气/友好地讲话。

The little girl has a very sweet voice.那个小女孩声音甜美。

We could hear the children's voice in the garden.我们能够听见花园里孩子们的说话声。

He's got a good voice; he sings well.他嗓音好,歌唱得好。

◆注意:voice ;sound 与 noise 的区别:

(1)sound“声音; 响声”指各种各样的声响。(可数名词)例如:

While I worked in my room, I heard a strange sound in my house.


When she woke, her ear caught the sound of knocking.她醒来时听到了敲门声。

There was a sound on footsteps on the staircase outside.外面楼道上有脚步声。

(2) noise 声音(可数,不可数)Don't make so much noise! 别吵!

The noise of traffic kept him awake.车辆的嘈杂声使我怎么也睡不着。

We could not hear them because of the noise from the factory.


voice人说话声;声音sound声音; 响声,各种各样的声响。(可数名词)


2.frustrate v.使失望;使沮丧;使厌烦

e.g. He hoped to set a new record, but(was frustrated)by bad weather.


The bad weather (frustrated) all our hopes of going out.


Marry (was frustrated by) the failure of the English examination.



●frustrating adj 令人沮丧的;令人失望的(通常修饰事物)

All this is rather(frustrating).所有的这一切都很令人失望。

I found it(frustrating)that I can't speak other language.我不会说别的语言,感到惘然若失。

●frustrated a.感到灰心的,感到沮丧的 (通常修饰人)

e.g. I felt frustrated at that time. 那时我觉得很沮丧。




interesting令人感兴趣的 interested 感兴趣的

disointing令人失望的 disointed 感到失望的

boring 无聊的 bored 感到无聊的

exciting令人兴奋的 excited 感到兴奋的

worrying 令人担心的 worried担心的;着急的

surprising 令人吃惊的 surprised惊奇的;惊讶的;诧异的

mbarrassing 令人困窘的 embarrassed窘的;尴尬的;局促不安的

3.impress v.使感动;给…深刻印象;使印象深刻

e.g. The visit to Shanghai(impressed)me a lot.上海之行给我留下了深刻印象。

My father impressed on me the(importance)of hard work.我父亲使我铭记勤勉的重要。

4.by 的用法◆by是介词,表示通过…方法或途径的意思,译成“靠,通过”,后面可加名词或名词短语。

e.g.The house was destroyed(by fire).房屋被火烧毁了。

trel(by air /land/sea).航空(陆路,航海)旅行

go(by train /boat/ bus)乘火车(船,公共汽车)去

shake sb.(by the hand)和某人握手

I study English(by watching English movies).我通过看英文**学英语。

by后面加名词如:by fire、by air、by sea、by train、by bus或名词短语by the hand或动名词by watching


(1)在…旁边,靠近 e.g.There is a power station by the river.河边有一个电厂。

(2)沿着,经由 e.g. come by the highway 由公路来

(3)由于 e.g. by mistake 由于差错

(4)被,由 e.g. some articles written by Lu Xun. 一些由鲁迅写的文章

(5)表示面积 e.g. a room 5m by 4m一间长五米、宽四米的房间

(6) 逐批 e.g. one by one 一个接一个

5.end up (doing sth) 终止(做某事),结束(做某事)

end up后面接动名词短语,相当于finish doing sth

finish doing sth表示结束做某事,事情已完成

e.g. When we practice speaking English,we often end up speaking in Chinese.

◆要注意它与stop doing sth 的区别:

stop doing sth指停止做某事,有可能是暂时的,不久还会继续下去。

e.g.We had to stop singing because somebody knocked at the door因为有人敲门,我们不得不停止唱歌。

◆另外,end up with…以…而告终,后面加名词或动名词

e.g. The party ended up with her singing. 晚会以她的歌唱而告终。

6.fit in(with).(和…)相处融洽; 使适应;(与…)一致

e.g.The picture doesn't(fit)in here. 那幅画不适合挂这儿。

He doesn't(fit in)with their other friends.他和其他的朋友相处得不好。

We must(fit in)our plan with yours.我们必须使我们的和你们的一致。

Your ideas(fit in with)mine.你的想法和我的一致。

The house(fits in)beautifully(with)its surroundings.这房子和周围的环境十分谐调。

7.get excited 变得兴奋

get是系动词,get+ adj./过去分词, 有“(逐渐)变得…”的含义

e.g. get mad 生气get annoyed生气; 恼火

get lost 迷路get interested变得感兴趣

get worried 担心get married结婚


get tired变得疲劳get old变老

get clear 变得清晰了get amazed 变得异常惊讶

The long journey got the children all tired.长途旅行使得孩子们疲惫不堪


二.重点句型1.He thinks(studying grammar)is a great way to learn a language.


studying grammar在这个句子当中是充当is a great way to learn a language的逻辑主语。


(e.g.)I think that(doing lots of listening practice)is one of the secrets of learning.

doing lots of listening practice 是动名词短语,作从句中的主语。

listening做定语,修饰 practice

在宾语从句中doing lots of listening practice是主语,listening修饰 practice。

(2)I am enjoying(learning English).(动名词短语做宾语)


2.I don't he a partner to(practice)English(with).我没有一个可以一起操练英语的搭档。


I don't he a partner to practice English(with)这个with不能省,则句子结构不完整。

e.g.I don't he a friend to talk(with).句中with不能省。

I don't he a friend to tal kwith.我没有朋友可以聊天,可以交谈。

I want to find a room to live(in).我想找间房子住。这里的in不能省掉。

This is just the book I'm looking(for).这正是我找的那书本。




(What about)listening to cassettes?(What about…?)

You(should)read English aloud. (You should…)

Listening(can)help you. (can…)

(Why don't you)join an English language club to practice speaking.(Why don't you…?)

(Would you mind)remembering new words by flashcards?( Would you mind…?)

(Please try to)talk with your friends in English as much as possible.(Please try to…)

(Why not)go out with English-speaking friends. (Why not …)

(You'd better)practice English every day.(You'd better…)

常见的提建议的方法有:What about do sth?、Why not do sth、Why don't you do sth?、

You'd better do sth、Would you mind do sth?

2.By + V-ing 表示“方式、方法”

eg.He makes a living by fishing.他靠打鱼为生。

I improved my English by listening to pop songs.我通过听流行歌曲而提高我们的英语。

◆主意下面表示学习英语方法的目标句型:—How do you study English?

—I study English by listening cassettes.

by studying with a group.by watching English programs on TV.

by enjoying English songs.by taking part in English classes after school.

by getting an English tutor.by reading English magazines and newspaper.

by surfing the Internet.by making flashcards.

by reading the textbook.by asking the teacher for help.

by making vocabulary lists.by taking notes carefully.

by hing the English class carefully.by finishing my homework seriously.

Unit 1 I used to beafraid of the dark.

教学目标(Talk aboutwhat youused to be likeandhow we've changed)


(Practise using thetarget language.)·练习使用本单元的目标英语

(Review the PastTense)·复习一般过去时

In this unit we willtalk about what weused to be like.Everyone has a lot ofold stories.

Every day we aregrowing up.And a lot of changeshe hened to us.

Therefore sometimeswe'd like to talkabout our past.

Through learning thisunit, we can talkmore about ourselvesin a proper way.




二、词组和短语(Key Phrases) 1.used to过去常常

2.be terrified of害怕…;恐惧…3.in the past fewyears在近几年

4.be made up of由…组成 5.sound like听起来像

6.go right home立刻回家7.can't stop doingsth.禁不住做某事

8.instead of代替,而不是9.make faces做鬼脸

10.consist of由…组成11e from 来自于…

12.stand for代表,代替13.face to face面对面

14.such as例如15.worry about担心

16.on the swim team在游泳队17.play the piano弹钢

18.chat with和…聊天19.miss the old days怀念旧日子

20.these days最近21.take sb…to do sth花费某人(多长时间)做某事

三、交际用语1.A:Mario used to beshort.(used to…)B:Yes,he did.Now he's tall!

2.Girl:Hey,Steve!Overhere!Don't youremember me?Boy:Oh,wow!You're Paula,aren't you?

(反意疑问句)Girl:That's right.Boy:But you used tobe really quiet,didn't you?

(反意疑问句)Girl:Yeah.I wasn'tvery outgoing.

Boy:No,you weren't.But you were alwaysfriendly.Wait a minute!

Did you us to playthe piano?Girl:Yes,I did.But now I'm moreinterested in sports.

I play andI'm on the swimmingteam.Boy:Wow!People surechange.

3.A:I used to eatcandy all the time,Did you?(简略式疑问句)

B:Yes,I did.I used tochew gum a lot.A:Did you?B:Yes,I did.

4.A:Did you used to be afraid of the darkB:Yes,I did.

A:Are you stillafraid of the dark?B:No,I'm not.How about you?

A:Me?Oh,yes!I'm terrified ofthe dark.B:So,what do you doabout it?

A:I go to sleep withmy bedroom light on.(with+O+OC)


1.mostly adv.大多数地,大部分,主要的(=almost all,generally 几乎全部,大多)

e.g.I spend my freetime mostly watchingTV.我闲暇时大多在看电视.

There are only 7girls in our PE class,so the class ismostly boys.


2.right adv.立即;马上(=right away;at once)

right 在本单元用作副词,修饰动词。例如:Come right in.快进来。

I'll be right there.我马上到那里。He would come rightback.他会立即回来。

I'll come right down.我马上下来。I'll go right aftersupper.我吃完晚饭就马上走。

·注意:right用作副词时还有其他的含义。例如:You didn't spell theword right.(对,正确地)

This telephonedoesn't work right.(合适地,顺利地)

Go right on and youwill see the housein the corner.(一直地,直接地)

The bullet()went right throughhis arm.(完全地,彻底地)

3.used to 过去常常;以前常常(仅用于过去式)

“used to+ 动词原形”这一结构表示过去的习惯(过去经常反复发生的动作)或状态(现在已不复存在),

只有一种形式,即过去式,用于所有人称。否定形式为used not to.疑问式为Used you to…?Used he to…?等

例如:①I used to walkalong the road aftersupper.我过去常常在晚饭后沿这条马路散步。

②He used not to likePeking opera,but nowhe's very found of it他过去不喜欢京剧,但现在非常喜欢。

·注意:used to的读音,读作/'ju:stu/,而不读/'ju:zdtu/。


例如:①I didn't usedto like skating,butnow I like it verymuch.


②Did you use to livein Shanghai? 你过去住在上海吗?

③There used to be achurch here,didn'tthere?以前这里有一座教堂,是不是?

·另外,含有used to的句子的反意疑问句一般不用usedn't+主语(见上面例③)。

又如:He used to livein Shanghai,didn't he? Yes, he did./No, he didn't.

4.be terrified of害怕(=be afraid of)be terrified of后面通常接名词或动名词。

例如:①I'm terrifiedofthe dark.(名词)

②The old lady wasterrified ofcrossing such a busystreet.(动名词)

二、重点句型1.I go to sleep withmy bedroom light on.



①with+O+adj.eg.I like to sleepwith windows open.(形容词)

②with+O+adv.eg.Anderson waslying on the bedwith all his clotheson.(副词)

③with+O+介词短语eg.We sat on the dryglass with our backto the wall.

He was asleep withhis head on his arms.The teacher came inwith a book in hishand.

He said goodbye withtears in his eyes.Mr Brown is talkingwith Bob with hishands in his pocket.

④with+O+过去分词eg.All the afternoonhe worked with thedoor locked.

You cannot go out toplay with the workunfinished.

⑤with+O+现在分词eg.I won't be ableto go on holiday withmy mother being ill.

⑥with+O+不定式So in the afternoon,with nothing to do,I went on a round ofthe bookshops.

With five minutes togo before the lasttrain left,we arrivedat St.Pancras.

I can't go out withall these dishes towash

2.Before I startedhigh school, I usedto spend a lot oftime playing gameswith my friends,…


下面是常用的两种结构:·sb.spend time(money)on sth.·sb.spend time(money)in doing sth.

e.g.①Every day Ispend two hours onhomework.

②Mary spent a lot ofmoney on her new car.③He will spend hisholidays treling.

④He spent ninetyminutes in workingout the mathsproblems.

·注意上面①、④两个例句均可以用It takessb. some timeto do sth.结构来改写:

①It takes me twohours to do homework.every day.

④It took him ninetyminutes to work outthe maths problems

3.E-mail English isa new kind of Englishthat many people useto se time.


that many people useto se time是定语从句,用来修饰先行词newkind of English

·注意:use to 与usedto的区别,二者后面都加动词原形,但意义大不相同。use to用来做某事

e.g.Many students usethe dictionary tolook up new words.许多学生用字典查找生词。

used to 过去常常e.g. She used to beafraid of dogs whenshe was young.她小的时候很怕狗。

se time节省时间se space节省空间se money攒钱

4.The first kind ismade up of the firstletters of otherwords.

These are calledacronyms.第一种是由单词的首字母组成,被称为首字母组合词。

·在这两个句子中,be made up of和arecalled都涉及到一个重要的语法现象——被动语态。



He wrote the letter.他写了信。说明:“写信”的动作由主语“他”发出的为主动语态。

The letter waswritten by him.那封信是他写的。


e.g.His bike has beenstolen.他的自行车被偷走了。

English is spoken allover the world.全世界都说英语。


·be made up of=consist of二者可以互换。

例如:This is mad upof/consists of threedifferent parts.这是由三部分组成的。

Society is made up of/consists of peoplewith widely differingabilities.


5.Other acronyms areF2F which stands forface to face, CSL forcan't stop laughingand…

其他的首字母缩写词有F2F,代表face to face,CSL代表can't stoplaughing…

·which引导定语从句,修饰先行词F2F·stand for表示“代表…”,

e.g.USA. stands forUnited States ofAmerica.Our flag stand forour country.

6.For example,8 sounds like –eat in great,so to se time,people write gr8.


to se time为了节省时间,动词不定式做目的状语

7.It's not justbecause they can'tcomprehend what itmeans.


what it means是宾语从句,做动词comprehend的宾语,意为“短信的意思是什么”

·what 经常用来引导宾语从句、表语从句、或主语从句。

例如:I don't carewhat she thinks.Let me see whatyou've chosen.

He began to thinkwhat about just whathe would do.Remember what we arehere for.

This is what I'mgoing to do.



2014年** 不惧风暴剧情预告:




外文名:Into the Storm


出品公司:华纳兄弟公司 美国新线影片公司


导 演:斯蒂文·奎里

编 剧:约翰·斯威特纳姆

主 演:理查德·阿米蒂奇,莎拉·韦恩·卡丽丝,杰瑞米·桑普特,内森·克莱斯

片 长:89 min





Should you help the old when he/she falls down on the street?

In current days ,with the development of society and economic ,series of social problems are eared.In order to *** yze this phenomenon three universities in Beijing jointly distribute an opinion poll about “Should you help the old when he/she falls down on the street?”.

From the result of this survey,we know that 29.6 percent of the people are surveyed think that whether they help the old or not will according to the circumstance.The people who will help the old are the most ,they accounted for 64.8 percent of them.And also he 8.3 percent hold the view that the old shouldn’t be help.

Why don’t they help the old falls down on the street?5.3 percent of them are lack of medical knowledge.And 7.2 percent of them think that it’s not related to them.But the major,87.4 percent of them are afraid of getting themselves into trouble.

Through this result,we can see clearly that crisis of confidence beeen people.Sincere and confidence are replaced by dishonest and hypocritical.Cautious and alert are deeply rooted.

In my opinion,we all should help each other.Respect and take good care of the old is the traditional Chinese virtues.When we meet the case,we’d better call health care workers for help.Because we lack of medical knowledge may cause more harm to the old.I hope there is less harm and more worm in our life.




第二段可以对观点的阐述:"If you he much, give your wealth. If you he little, give you heart". It is a famous proverb that speaks the truth. It is always nice to be with your family, watching TV shows together, and drink hot chocolate. However, there are many homeless people, or even children out there that are abandoned, or he no where to go. They deserve hiness and love as much as we do. We should be kindhearted and generous, and help them out. There are simple things we can do to make our society better, such us, A *** ile, a handshake, a hug, or even saying "Hello" to the less fortunate people. 最后一段总结:We he to express our love to them, to show that they are cared. In that case, we can make the world a better place to live in for one and for all!


Should you help the old when he/she falls down on the street?In current days ,with the development of society and economic ,series of social problems are eared.In order to *** yze this phenomenon three universities in Beijing jointly distribute an opinion poll about “Should you help the old when he/she falls down on the street?”.From the result of this survey,we know that 29.6 percent of the people are surveyed think that whether they help the old or not will according to the circumstance.The people who will help the old are the most ,they accounted for 64.8 percent of them.And also he 8.3 percent hold the view that the old shouldn't be help.Why don't they help the old falls down on the street?5.3 percent of them are lack of medical knowledge.And 7.2 percent of them think that it's not related to them.But the major,87.4 percent of them are afraid of getting themselves into trouble.Through this result,we can see clearly that crisis of confidence beeen people.Sincere and confidence are replaced by dishonest and hypocritical.Cautious and alert are deeply rooted.In my opinion,we all should help each other.Respect and take good care of the old is the traditional Chinese virtues.When we meet the case,we'd better call health care workers for help.Because we lack of medical knowledge may cause more harm to the old.I hope there is less harm and more worm in our life.


Should we help old people up when they fall over? At a glance, this seems to be a simple question that requires only a "yes" or "no" answer. However, due to various incidents that he occurred recently, this issue has now bee a topic worth contemplating about.Imagine if your very own grandfather or grandmother fell. Would you hesitate before helping them up? Would you consider, even just for a second, that they could be faking all this, just to get some money out of you? Well, the answer is obviously no. So why then, do we stop and think before helping old people up when they fall over? They are, after-all, somebody's grandfather or grandmother.Maybe you are worried that they will accuse you of pushing them over and then make you give them money. But really, we can't blame them for this. If they could lead a sufficient life on their own, these meager citizens would not stoop so low as to blackmail others.Instead of debating over whether or not we should help old people up when they fall over, we should cure the problem at its root, in the heart of society.

老人摔倒要不要扶 英语作文

Should we help old people up when they fall over? At a glance, this seems to be a simple question that requires only a "yes" or "no" answer. However, due to various incidents that he occurred recently, this issue has now bee a topic worth contemplating about.Imagine if your very own grandfather or grandmother fell. Would you hesitate before helping them up? Would you consider, even just for a second, that they could be faking all this, just to get some money out of you? Well, the answer is obviously no. So why then, do we stop and think before helping old people up when they fall over? They are, after-all, somebody's grandfather or grandmother.Maybe you are worried that they will accuse you of pushing them over and then make you give them money. But really, we can't blame them for this. If they could lead a sufficient life on their own, these meager citizens would not stoop so low as to blackmail others.Instead of debating over whether or not we should help old people up when they fall over, we should cure the problem at its root, in the heart of society.


扶不扶,不服 “小伙子,你知道吗?哥以前是开大奔的,自从扶了两三个老太太后,就改开自行车了。

” ——春晚着名台词 不知不觉,雷锋月悄然来临,周围可以很轻松的找到关于雷锋的字眼。



为什么? 一切都要从几年前说起——那个时候,天还是蓝的,草还是绿的,扶老人是要受表扬的,“雷锋”还没有成为一种只出没在各大媒体上的生物,好人是有好报的。





我们是不是该反思一下呢…… 暂时先抛开这个沉重的话题,请允许我来报告一下我个人的一些小调查。

对三种类型的人提同一个问题:如果你看到有一个老人躺在路上了,你会去扶吗? 正处于童年时期的孩童A君笑嘻嘻的说着:“扶不动!” 即将步入社会的青年B君一脸严肃的回答道:“如果周围有人的话,我可能会……恩,就是这样。

” 进入了更年期的中年妇女C君一脸淡然的飘出了一句话:“清者自清。

” 就以上的情况来看,将要成为社会主要流动人员的青年和祖国未来的花朵都对着这一个问题抱着或“围观”或惧怕的心理。




向他们提出另一个问题:两年前的你会去主动扶摔倒老人吗? 这个问题简直不用思考,连我都会毫不犹豫的说:“当然!” 因为那个时候天还是蓝的,草还是绿的,扶老人是要受表扬的,“雷锋”还没有成为一种只出没在各大媒体上的生物,好人是有好报的。





那么,我们还能改变现状吗? 当然! 请举起你的手,从围观群众中“脱颖而出”!大声的向世界展示人间的公正!该出手时就出手,该沉默时就沉默。

去平静自己的心,去抚慰他人的心,去温暖雷锋的心!去发扬我们的爱心! 引用春晚的一句话:墙倒了还可以扶起来,人心倒了可就扶不起了了。

对于“扶不扶”这一,我不服!亡羊补牢,为时不晚!当你走在大街上,见到一位老太太倒在地上,看起来急需要帮助,由于彭宇案让你很受伤,于是你害怕伤不起,可是善良的你见不得这种事情的发生,怎么办呢?专家为你解答 一、先确定一下你有没有带手机 最好是NOKIA的,因为据说该品牌的手机耐摔,当然耐不耐摔和你接下来救人是完全没有关系的。



因为如果不清晰的话,法官完全可以说你的是经过编辑的,虽然你并没有时间编辑,并且完全不懂编辑是怎么一回事,但你有什么证据能够证明你没有编辑过这段?所以摄像功能的健全与安全同样很重要 三、确定你有没有带硬币,或者旁边有没有固定电话可以打,因为你不能用自己的手机打,因为法官会说“不是你干的,你打什么电话?你的行为有悖常理嘛”。

所以求救的电话需要用固定电话打,既然是固定电话,那么零钱必须要准备,所以这一条最重要的是零钱和固定电话 四、请确定你有没有带长筒 *** ,当然必须是肉色的,如果你没有我不会借给你的,因为我不爱穿短裙。

为什么要带长筒 *** 呢?因为你要把 *** 套在你的脑袋上,这样电话亭的老板就记不住你的模样了,这样你做好事就不会被人记住了。

这一条最重要的是 *** (PS:长筒+肉色) 五、请在附近小店购买一副工地手套,并带上它去打电话。


所以要注意一切细节,不能让法官得逞!这一条最重要的是工地手套,嗯 六、如果你所在的那个路段有监控摄像头,那么请立刻打电话到**大队,确认该摄像头是不是处于正常监控状态,如果对面的...


Should we help the old who fall down on the street Should we help the old who fall down on the street?Some people are not willing to help the old who fall down on the street.They refuse to help the old because they don't think they can give the old correct medical care due to a lack of professional skills. Another major reason is that they are afraid of being charged with knocking him or her down and getting themselves into trouble if they help the old. As for me, we should help the old who fall down on the street. As we all know, it is a traditional Chinese virtue to show respect for and take good care of the old. If we e across an old person who falls down on the street, we can lend him or her a helping hand by calling the medical care centre. I hope there will be less indifference and more warmth in our society.翻译: 老人在街上摔倒,我们应不应该扶 老人在街上摔倒,我们应不应该扶呢?一些人不愿意帮助跌倒的老年人。











为什么? 一切都要从几年前说起——那个时候,天还是蓝的,草还是绿的,扶老人是要受表扬的,“雷锋”还没有成为一种只出没在各大媒体上的生物,好人是有好报的。





我们是不是该反思一下呢…… 暂时先抛开这个沉重的话题,请允许我来报告一下我个人的一些小调查。

对三种类型的人提同一个问题:如果你看到有一个老人躺在路上了,你会去扶吗? 正处于童年时期的孩童A君笑嘻嘻的说着:“扶不动!” 即将步入社会的青年B君一脸严肃的回答道:“如果周围有人的话,我可能会……恩,就是这样。

” 进入了更年期的中年妇女C君一脸淡然的飘出了一句话:“清者自清。

” 就以上的情况来看,将要成为社会主要流动人员的青年和祖国未来的花朵都对着这一个问题抱着或“围观”或惧怕的心理。




向他们提出另一个问题:两年前的你会去主动扶摔倒老人吗? 这个问题简直不用思考,连我都会毫不犹豫的说:“当然!” 因为那个时候天还是蓝的,草还是绿的,扶老人是要受表扬的,“雷锋”还没有成为一种只出没在各大媒体上的生物,好人是有好报的。





那么,我们还能改变现状吗? 当然! 请举起你的手,从围观群众中“脱颖而出”!大声的向世界展示人间的公正!该出手时就出手,该沉默时就沉默。

去平静自己的心,去抚慰他人的心,去温暖雷锋的心!去发扬我们的爱心! 引用春晚的一句话:墙倒了还可以扶起来,人心倒了可就扶不起了了。

对于“扶不扶”这一,我不服!亡羊补牢,为时不晚!当你走在大街上,见到一位老太太倒在地上,看起来急需要帮助,由于彭宇案让你很受伤,于是你害怕伤不起,可是善良的你见不得这种事情的发生,怎么办呢?专家为你解答 一、先确定一下你有没有带手机 最好是NOKIA的,因为据说该品牌的手机耐摔,当然耐不耐摔和你接下来救人是完全没有关系的。



因为如果不清晰的话,法官完全可以说你的是经过编辑的,虽然你并没有时间编辑,并且完全不懂编辑是怎么一回事,但你有什么证据能够证明你没有编辑过这段?所以摄像功能的健全与安全同样很重要 三、确定你有没有带硬币,或者旁边有没有固定电话可以打,因为你不能用自己的手机打,因为法官会说“不是你干的,你打什么电话?你的行为有悖常理嘛”。

所以求救的电话需要用固定电话打,既然是固定电话,那么零钱必须要准备,所以这一条最重要的是零钱和固定电话 四、请确定你有没有带长筒 *** ,当然必须是肉色的,如果你没有我不会借给你的,因为我不爱穿短裙。

为什么要带长筒 *** 呢?因为你要把 *** 套在你的脑袋上,这样电话亭的老板就记不住你的模样了,这样你做好事就不会被人记住了。

这一条最重要的是 *** (PS:长筒+肉色) 五、请在附近小店购买一副工地手套,并带上它去打电话。


所以要注意一切细节,不能让法官得逞!这一条最重要的是工地手套,嗯 六、如果你所在的那个路段有监控摄像头,那么请立刻打电话到**大队,确认该摄像头是不是处于正常监控状态,如果对面的交通人员说“一切正常”,好吧,那请你将此段对话录制下来,因为**大队可能会说“当时监控失灵...















Needless to say, to restore the truth, to clarify the merits, it is essential for the maintenance of social fairness and justice. From the early years of the Peng Yu case, Xu Yunhe case to the Florida event, people are concerned the results, all hope helpfulness, courageous without injustice, be carried forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. However, because looking good against injustice and dedicated to "the truth in the end what" debate, "the road to see the old man fell not to a helping hand extended" increasingly bee a problem. In fact, Peng Yu case so far, helpfulness, courageous and righteous deed too numerous to mention, one by one "best" people with their behior in silence declaration, Lee's never been away from us, but always and everywhere present in the around us. At any time, the dispute concerns the "fall" when the case can not fet, "the most beautiful" than the "rogue" More. Promote the good and the beautiful need discipline false evil ugly, fake, evil and ugly discipline but also to protect Sound of Music. But to prevent us in the "fall" on the road too far, so fet the departure of purpose, it requires a prehensive and fair view of the tributaries and the mainstream, not "good blackmail" blinders, to prevent the "social and moral slippery slope" fallacy public mental pollution, harm moral conscience of society. Everyone may encounter danger. Care, when his own danger, all "that should help people" "will not be framed" are no more suspense. If you focus too much on results when someone needs help, or even as "will not be dependent on the" tangled inevitably miss the best rescue opportunity. Indeed, helpfulness, courageous not only need courage, wisdom. When faced with the expertise needed rescue objects, if they do not he the professional rescue knowledge, it may be by means of munications equipment to help professional institutions.

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