承德天气好, 地处暖温带向寒温带过渡地带,属半温润半干旱大陆性季风型气候,四季分明,光照充足,昼夜温差大。年平均气温8.9℃,年均无霜期160天。全区地貌可分为坝上高原和山地两个类型。主要山脉有燕山和阴山山脉,还有兴安岭余脉和七老图山。境内河流有滦河、朝白河、蓟运河、辽河四条水系,其支流遍及千山万壑之中。地势由西北向东南阶梯下降,因此气候南北差异明显,气象要素呈立体分布,使气候具有多样性。主要气候特征为:冬季寒冷少雪;春季干旱少雨;夏季温和多雷阵雨;秋季凉爽,昼夜温差大、霜害较重。
Chengde terrain from the northwest to the southeast step down, so the north and south of the climate difference is obvious, the meteorological elements of the three-dimensional distribution, so that the climate has diversity. Less snow in winter cold; spring drought; warm summer thunderstorms; autumn is cool, the temperature difference between day and night, hey frost. Chengde tourist areas (such as: Mountain Resort) is a temperate continental monsoon climate, four seasons. Winter although the cold, but because of the surrounding mountains, block from the Mongolian Plateau Cold attacks, so the temperature is higher than other area of the same latitude, cool in summer, rainfall concentrated, basically no hot is summer resort tourism. Chengde is a monsoon climate zone, the change of wind direction has obvious season. Although the influence of mountain terrain, but filter out local factors caused changes, still has its dominant characteristics. Winter 12 -- February to northerly winds, June - August to southerly winds, spring and autumn is the two stream conversion seasonal, spring to summer, autumn is close to winter. In addition to the static wind, the annual maximum wind direction is southwest and northwest. Annual erage wind speed of 1.4 - 4.3 m / s, dam 3.3 - 4.3 m / sec. Annual gale days 11 - 63 days. Fengning, paddock, Longhua, Chengde County wind days more, up to as many as 63 years -- 93 days. Dam up to 116 days.